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Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree
 Freemason Exposed


In this article we will attempt for the first time to unveil the truth of Kenneth Copeland's Masonic membership. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. It is a trademark of most proud Masons to leave key symbols veiled into pictures and also to use various keywords in speeches or secret handshakes. Proof of this can be found in Masonry's most common definition of itself as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.' This is taken directly from the second degree initiation and evidence that it is still currently used was proven to me recently when I attended a Masonic open day and heard that same description. The application of this quote in regards to Copeland will be discussed below.

On the cover for Copeland's audiotape series entitled 'How To Build Your Firm Foundation.' Remember the main definition of Masonry as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.'
This is exactly what we have right here. Copeland has placed the chief Masonic symbols of the square and compass here that to most people the true meaning is veiled in an allegorical style.

ALLEGORY, fictional literary narrative or artistic expression that conveys a symbolic meaning parallel to but distinct from, and more important than, the literal meaning. Allegory has also been defined as an extended metaphor. The symbolic meaning is usually expressed through personifications and other symbols. In art, an allegorical painting or sculpture is one that has a symbolic meaning underlying the surface image.

More symbols of Freemasonry are incorporated into Copeland's 'Shout' magazine for kids. Around Kenneth's neck is an eagle above an inverted triangle. I have seen this symbol on a Masonic certificate before. The female has an inverted 5 pointed star placed on her shirt. This symbol represents the 'Order of the Eastern Star' which is a Masonic order for women! Is this a coincidence?  Now Copeland has placed the main symbols of Masonry and the Eastern Star on his covers. When 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller wanted to express his secret membership in the Lodge he used the 33rd Degree symbol of a double headed eagle and sent it out to many people without them realizing what he was declaring to his Masonic brothers worldwide. 33rd Degree Freemason Oral Roberts used the inverted triangle in his University logo which has a hidden Masonic design to it. Another odd element is that the Freemasons veiled the symbols of the square, compass, inverted star and triangle into the street layout of Washington D.C. These are the 3 symbols that Copeland has placed on the 2 mentioned covers. As I write this he is also presently in Washington conducting a rally.

To summarize:-
Kenneth Copeland started work under a 33rd Degree Freemason whom he has a strong friendship with. He claims to be 'I AM' which is a Masonic initiation term. His teaching about his hermaphroditic god match up exactly with what Masonry teaches and his teaching on the size and likeness of God match up with what the early Freemason-Mormon leaders also taught. Add to this the veiled symbols of Freemasonry that he has placed on 2 covers, possibly more.

I would have never suspected Copeland of being a Freemason if it were not for his heretical teachings including his belief that God was gang raped and sodomised by homosexual Roman soldiers. If so then God's blood would be impure and unable to redeem. Please click on the link below for more information on Copeland's false teachings and strange beliefs.

The deciding factor to publish this information came after a friend of mine received information from an ex-Mason that stated that he has been in attendance in Masonic meeting when Copeland was present. At the moment this man wishes not to reveal himself. He possibly has some firm documented evidence that we will try to obtain. I do not know who this man is but my friend is trying to obtain more information. Another thing that helped verify these facts is a research project in the US that has gained some proof of these allegations. I am currently trying to contact these men so I can add their research to this page. What I do know is that they are both 'Born-again' Christian ministers whose credentials have been checked out. I will amplify on these details later.